5 Things I Did To Control My Finances


When I got out of college I was woefully prepared for the real world. Sure I had a degree but I didn’t know how to manage my money or take care of my finances. Even though without any knowledge, I employed some common sense and took control of my money even when I had very little. 

I’m not giving you financial advice, but what I am giving you are the tips that worked for me.

  1. Realize the idea of getting a job and staying there for 30 years isn’t going to happen. I was raised to believe that if you get a job you stay there and work your way up and then retire. Unfortunately that was outdated thinking and I quickly figured it out. Keep your paying job but don’t hesitate to look for better opportunities to advance or gain higher pay. Remember you chart your own course. More income is something you have to work at. Don’t expect it to come to you automatically or easy.

  2.  Keep track of your money.  If you are spending more than you take in, you’ll be in trouble. Pay your bills on time and get organized. If you track your income and monitor your outflow you will know where you are at. You can do this in a simple notebook. That’s all I used. 

  3. Don’t rack up credit card charges. If you can’t afford things, don’t buy them. Once you go down the path of relying and living on credit cards you become locked into a vicious cycle. The interest is usually high and you rarely gain ground. I kept a card but rarely used it.

  4. Keep a cushion for emergencies. Some say store up around three months of salary. At the time that was impossible for me. I just did what I could but I always made sure I had some type of back up savings. You need to set it aside and don’t touch it. 

  5. Don’t try to impress others at the expense of your bank account. If you are spending money trying to live a lifestyle you think your friends would envy, you’ll going down the wrong path. Don’t put your financial future at risk for a short term “win” in impressing people who in truth, likely don’t even care in the long run.