
My Two Cents On Too Much Technology

Sure, modern technology has made our lives easier in many ways but when you think about, has it really? We might get more information faster and feel connected to everything but is it really necessary at expense of our health and well being? I don’t think so.

Keeping My Brain Sharp With My Nose And A Balance Board

When it comes to optimization and peak performance, you sometimes need to think differently. Sometimes that “different” thinking may actually be so simple! Here’s 2 things I’m currently working on to improve my health and brain power.

5 Things I Do For Better Sleep

As a hard driving entrepreneur and business owner, sleep is just something that gets in the way more productivity, or so I thought. Now don’t get me wrong, as lifelong athlete I know rest is vital for top performance and I try to get as much as possible, but also over the past 15 years I’ve been building a national company and with that comes stress, responsibility and a relentless non-stop drive.