In life, you can treat people well, give your time, provide opportunities, be kind, and do good, but still, there are those who will either resent you for it, or take advantage of your kindness.
We all have dreams and aspirations that we want to achieve in life, whether it's starting a business, writing a book, learning how to play an instrument, gain a new skill or pursuing a new career. However, many of us fall into the trap of waiting for the "right time"
In 2023 my goal is to keep things simple. People like to complicate things but in reality, most things are simple. My goal is to cut through things and get to the basics. The reality
In today's world, it can be easy to get caught up in the idea of overnight success and the notion that massive results can be achieved with minimal effort. However, the old-school methods of hard work, soaking up knowledge, learning to communicate well, ( both written and verbal )
There are so many tips out there on how to move your life in a positive direction. It seems as though everyone is giving advice ( many who shouldn’t be ) but with
Every day we wake up is a chance to start fresh. A chance to make a positive impact, do good and drive our lives forward. Often it’s the small things that have the largest impact.
We live in a time when celebrities, pop culture icons and fake social media influencers are worshipped by the masses who scroll endlessly through their timelines wanting to see who is one upping the other.
Yes, you need a positive attitude but it has to be backed up by action. Negativity on the other hand creates a cascade of emotions and likely actions that definitely won’t put the odds in your favor.