What Is My Best Life Advice?

Keep it simple


  1. Be a good person. Be a beacon of light and do the right thing even if others in society around you lack courtesy and respect.

  2. Work hard. Nobody is guaranteed anything in life, but hard work puts you in a position to succeed.

  3. Be honest. In life, being a person of integrity and trust is paramount. Honesty makes you a reliable as well as honorable person.

  4. Listen more. Take time to really listen to someone. People want to be heard, and you will learn so much by truly listening vs. simply hearing.

  5. Help others without expectation. By lending a hand and helping others, you are helping lift society as a whole. You can inspire others to great positive action.

  6. Be yourself. You have something valuable to contribute, so don’t follow the herd. In an age where conformity and fads dominate, be different. Be true to yourself and not merely a copy of someone else.