From my perspective when you need to ramp up sales, you first and foremost need to have an active pipeline. If your pipeline of leads is empty that’s a big problem.
If your pipeline is empty you need to quickly start thinking about… What can you do to load it up?
You have to get active and take action. It can be stressful when the pipeline is empty but what can you do to generate more leads? Start to brainstorm and get moving!
Revisit deals that you almost had but the leads didn’t close. Is there a chance you can re-pitch to them and win?
Get active in social media. Engage potential leads there
Ramp up thought leadership in your industry. Write articles and publish those that show your expertise.
If your business is online, conduct webinars. If you are local, network.
Check in with every cold lead you had and revisit them.
The key is to ramp up your activity big time when you’re needing to build the pipeline. Massive social media activity, write articles, reach out to old contacts and go to where the prospects in your industry are. Bring the energy and enthusiasm into it and the prospects will see.