How To Handle Rejection When Starting A Business

You have to be able to attach no “personal” emotion to rejection.


Sounds easy right?

No! It’s damn hard if you are driven and passionate about your business.

But remember, your competitors will likely mess up and you need to be ready and be “top of mind” when that happens. That’s why when you hear a no, you don’t quit marketing to those prospects.

Also, you need to keep stoking your pipeline and keep marketing to new prospects and leads. Focus on forward momentum…mentally and by taking positive action.

I hated hearing this but much of this sales process is simply a numbers game. The more outputs and touches to prospects via postcards, calls, etc. means you are likely to land new business.

I was a guest on the Success Unfiltered podcast a while back talking about all the No’s I experienced in building my company. Rejection is part of the game, but remember, don’t let those speed bumps derail you from your ultimate goals.