Make A Difference Every Day



A lot of times we think that making a difference is people’s lives means you have to join an organization or make a conscious effort outside your daily routine to give back and contribute. While those efforts are truly commendable, I challenge you to look a little deeper.

How about using daily life to be a force of good and positivity. Yes, that’s right. There are literally countless amazing opportunities right in front of our face that we often ignore because it seems too obvious.

Maybe it’s a co-worker needing help and they are going through a tough time. Maybe it’s an elderly neighbor who needs help coordinating things or getting the grass cut. Maybe it’s the person at the checkout in the grocery store who needs a friendly voice to cheer them up instead of you standing there staring at your cell phone.

The key is to be “present”. Present in the now. There’s people who can be inspired by you, and your presence can make someone’s day by just providing a positive upbeat interaction. A friendly smile and cheerful talk, all genuine and caring, can bring so much to a person. You have no idea the positive power you have inside, so never underestimate the ability you have to do good!

Making a difference can be as easy as simply just being there, being present and seeing the people right in front of you!