My Interview On SeniorLevel


Not too long ago I was interviewed for a project managed by students at the University of Montana. Their goal is to inspire and inform young minds through the lessons learned by leaders in business and life!

I had a great time giving some insight on what I do and hopefully helped inspire others out there to achieve their dreams!

Here’s part of the interview with a link to the rest….. SeniorLevel Interview.

Who Are You, And What Do You Do?

My name is Ernie Bray and I’m an entrepreneur, author and CEO of ACD, a technology organization that develops claims software for the auto insurance industry. I also enjoy inspiring others on their path to success with my blog

What Is One Habit Of Yours That Helps You Be Productive?

I make health a key focus everyday, (good diet, exercise, mental fitness and spiritual focus). If one is not taking care of their entire health, maximizing one’s full potential will be difficult or impossible to achieve. Sure, we can’t be 100% everyday but the goal is to do the things that set yourself up for success. Maintaining this healthy lifestyle has allowed me to forge ahead in my productivity.

What Is Your Morning Routine And How Does It Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Day?

In my morning routine, I strive for consistency. I allow myself to wake up naturally. Once awake, I drink some electrolytes to hydrate myself, take some supplements, grab a cup of coffee, check my email and then head out for a 45 minute walk. As I am walking I make a few calls to my leadership team to go over issues, strategies, and the mission to be worked on for the day. I’ve found this helps me kick start the day and get momentum going, all while I knocked out some good exercise.