If you’re going to start a company, chances are you won’t get funding and you’ll have to do it on your own. Yes, that’s right. You’re going to have to put your own money in and risk it all. So what are some tips when your own money is on the line?
Here’s the funny part. I ended up becoming successful in an industry I originally had NO interest in being in at first. Yes, that’s right. I wanted to find something else but my true path was in front of my eyes.
I was asked this question recently. Well, besides the obvious for most people which would mean giving up a paying job,forfeiting healthcare benefits, vacation time and potentially other perks to take a risky leap… Here’s some of the immediately challenges one will likely have to face
Recently I was asked, "How do you maintain so much drive and energy in your business?” I thought about it for a moment and realized that for me, it is finding enthusiasm and excitement in the entire process which includes building relationships, strategizing, igniting the competitive spirit,