Keeping My Workouts Simple

I’ve been working out since I was around 12 years old. Consistent strength training and an active lifestyle is a core part of my life. 

I’ve worked out at both home and traditional gyms using basically every piece of equipment you can imagine. In fact there was I time I actually believed that the “serious” and “real” workouts needed to be done at the gym.

Oh how I was wrong.

I naively thought I had to use heavy weights and push myself to the max. I would strain my ligaments, be sore for days and walk the fine line of near injury. 

I began to ask myself… Is this really necessary to get in great shape? Have I been sold a bill of goods for years? Countless wasted hours in gyms only to end up with sore joints and no better results?

Well, I started to experiment and try new things. I stopped working out at gyms completely a decade ago and then I started to do less and less barbell work.

In 2020 I pared down my workout tools to these basic things:


Pushup Handles 

Resistance Bands

A 30 pound Kettlebell

3 Weighted Firehoses

Walking ( my two feet )

That’s it. 

And guess what? I’m now in the best shape ever. 

Simplicity can make the difference! It makes you think about how many other areas in life one can simplify and actually become better off!

Cells phones and social media anyone…..?